October 7, 2013

Meeting Change!

Hey URI Literary and Arts Folk--

The E Board has decided to make a change in meeting time. We will now be meeting from 3-5 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

AGAIN: We will be meeting same day, same place just one hour later.

Come visit us Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-5 pm in the Memorial Union Room 354.

September 25, 2013

*New* Rules and Regulations for Submissions!

How to submit to the Independent Scribe

1. Send all submissions to theindependentscribe@gmail.com.
2. Submitted as .doc or .docx files. 
3. Formatted poems as they would appear published.
4. All poems longer than a page must have be numbered in either the footnotes or header
5. No more than 5 poetry submissions per week. You may submit more later but the editorial board needs time to look through what they have already received.
6. Plagiarism will not be accepted.

1. Send all submissions to theindependentscribe@gmail.com.
2. Submitted as .doc or .docx files
3. All submissions must be doubled space.
4. All submissions longer than one page must be numbered in either the footnotes or the header.
5. You may submit no more than 25 pages of prose per week.
6. All prose submissions may be no longer than 10 pages.
7. Please submit pieces individually.
8. Plagiarism will not be accepted.

1. Send all submissions to theindependentscribe@gmail.com
2. All art must be submitted as a .jpg or .jpeg
3. You may submit no more than 5 different art works per week.
4. Please submit pieces individually.
5. Plagiarism will not be accepted.

*We may publish our magazine online in the future.
**Due to copyright laws at this time the Independent Scribe is not currently accepting fan works, such a fan fiction or fan art. We are currently researching the legality of accepting fan works so this may change in the future.

March 5, 2013



BUTTTTTT,  keep your eyes peeled for advertisements of this semester's contest: A Dirty Limerick Contest. We ask our submitters to write a limerick (which means it's five lines in an aabba rhyme pattern) that is either physically or figuratively dirty. 

Now, by dirty we don't mean, rinse-your-mouth-out-with-soap dirty, so keep your minds at least a little bit out of the gutter! Remember, the best dirty limericks are S-U-B-T-L-E!

Deadline: March 25 

;) Submit to: theindependentscribe@gmail.com

Welcome to Spring Semester with the Scribe!

So, what's going on this semester with the magazine, you wonder? Well, we're beginning to review submissions and so far, man, they are awesome! 

We're also running a contest this semester: The Dirty Limerick Contest! Send us your best limericks and remember, the best limericks are usually the most subtle. 

Our deadline this semester is March 25, as is our fundraiser at Orange Leaf. 

So, come and show your support for the Scribe by getting fro-yo March 25 between 4 and 9 pm!

This semester, we're going to release our insider interviews from members of the Scribe, so welcome, everyone, to the life of Kevin Gilbride:

Kevin Gilbride, the man, myth, AND legend, all in one.
Q. So, Kevin, let's start off with a fun fact about you?
A. I'll give you two. I enjoy comic books and have a fascination with North Korea.

Q. Interesting! Where would you say you "fit" within the Scribe?
A. Where do I fit within the Scribe? I AM the Scribe. Haha, Not really, but I am a member of the Editorial Board and have just become the Thursday Meeting Secretary of the group, which I like to sometimes call "The Legion of Doom".

Q. What about submissions, have you submitted anything to the magazine?
A. Not yet. Maybe I'll submit this semester.

Q. How and when did you first become involved with the Scribe?
A. I was brought in by our fearless leader, Kellie Knight, who insisted I join. I also thought that it would make me a better writer.

Q. What are you up to lately? Are you working on anything at the moment?
A. Yes but it's a secret. Like secret squirrel.

Q. Well, thank you for meeting with me Kevin, everyone will love to hear about you!

That's what's up with us lately! Stay tuned for more news about iScribe through this blog and our facebook!